15 Best Morning Exercise Full Body Workout Easy At Home For Men To All Fit | Royal Khan

Monday 9 November 2020

15 Best Morning Exercise Full Body Workout Easy At Home For Men To All Fit

    By RoyalKhan

Hello Guys, 

Friends, it is very much to be fit in today's time, whether we are a boy or a girl, if we are fit, then we have a long life, nowadays you must have seen that even a person does not get 50, he is surrounded by 10 diseases which he does not know to accept. And he leaves the world and then goes to the same advice in friends, do the daily exercise, if you have money problem, then do exercise in your home, but it will work only for you and will increase your life, so today I will give you I will tell you 15 exercises that will make you daily morning and stay fit.

10 Best Exercises To Do At Home For Men 

 1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jack is the best exercise for your body. You have to do this exercise. It is very beneficial for your body. It makes your muscles strong and it makes your bones strong and flexible and makes your heart strong and It helps you lose weight and freshen up your mood so that you have an internal freshness feel.

How To Do: 

  1. You stand straight with your feet.
  2. Put your hands on your hands.
  3. Jump with your arms raised above the head and spread your legs apart.
  4. Return to your original position and do it again faster.

   2. Plank

This exercise helps a lot in making your abs and it makes your shoulders, peat, hands strong.

How To Do : 

  1. Keep your body weight on your forearms in a push-up position with the elbow bent in 90 degrees.
  2. Make sure that your entire body is straight and that you remain in a straight position as long as your balance is maintained.

 3. Cross Crunches

It is very beneficial for exercise abs and oblique mass, it strengthens your abdominal mass and also strengthens your core.

How To Do : 

  1. Lie flat on your peat.
  2. Bend your knee.
  3. Put both hands behind your head.
  4. Now you bring your right shoulder and elbow across your body and at the same time bring your left knee towards your left shoulder.
  5. Return to original position and repeat with left elbow.

4. Side Plank

This exercise helps to make your construction stronger and it is stronger as a skew.

How To Do : 
  1.  your right hand on the ground, keep both your feet in line with your hand.
  2. Take your left hand up.
  3. As long as you keep your body balance.
5. Squats

When this exercise is included in your daily workout, it improves the shape of your body and this exercise can be done in many forms and at the same time it makes massagers.

How To Do : 
  1. You make your knees like a chair
  2. Open the strut in front of both your hands and keep the gap between the two hands equal.
  3. Do this initially for at least 25 seconds.
6. Lunges

It works well on exercising your core when exercising and it helps in strengthening the movement of your lower body and hips.

How To Do :
  1. Keep lowering your hips until you are bent in your 90 degree angle.
  2. You keep your head and upper body still one leg forward.
  3. Come back to original position keeping the weight in your heels.
7. Pushups

This exercise is very important in your daily workout. You hit at least 20 pushups in 1 wrap in daily pushups. It makes your chest and mosquitoes strong and healthy and it is very powerful for your body.

How To Do : 
  1. Bend with both hands on the ground in the middle seed of your chest.
  2. Tie your feet together.
  3. Keep both of your clans down.
8. Russian Twist

This exercise is very beneficial for your entire stomach and it improves the balance of your whole body and it helps in improving the shape of your body.

How To Do : 
  1. You should be on your lower body at about 45 degrees.
  2. Bend the knees of both feet and raise the toes of both feet in the air slightly.
  3. Hold the bowl with both hands and just rotate your upper body part left right.
9. High Knees

This exercise makes your thighs strong and opens your entire body and increases your running speed.

How To Do : 
  1. You lift your right knee up.
  2. Fast both knees up an down.

10. Dead Bugs

This exercise helps in improving your moisture and flexible body and it is very beneficial for your stomach.

How To Do : 
  1. Raise both your legs up and make both your legs in (L) shape.
  2. Move your right hand behind your head and take your left leg to your stomach. Do both the things together.
  3. Then reverse left hand and right leg.

Royal khan

Owner & Writer


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